Monday, March 20, 2017

Tammy Baldwin and Jeff Merkley (민주당의 바이어메리칸 주창자)

파이프라인 건설에 미국산 철강만을 써도록 하는 트럼프 미국 대통령의 메모는 새로운 것은 아니다. Buy American Act of 1933가 이미 1930년대에 만들어진 법이라서 그렇기도 하고, 또 민주당 의원들은 바이 어메리칸 법을 확대할 것을 주장하기도 했다.

Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)와 Jeff Merkely (D-OR)이 그 대표주자이며, 2015년에 이미 트럼프 대통령의 메모보다 더 나아간 바이어메리칸 조항을 주장한 바 있다.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) have introduced the Invest in American Jobs Act, legislation to create good-paying American jobs and strengthen U.S. manufacturing by requiring federally-funded transportation projects to use American steel, iron and manufactured products whenever possible.

Currently, similar requirements – known as “Buy America” standards – exist for key aspects of highway and water infrastructure, but many projects do not fall under the requirement. The legislation would expand Buy America provisions so that all major projects overseen by the U.S. Department of Transportation would fall under Buy America requirements, with federally-funded transit and Federal Aviation Administration projects eventually having to meet a 100% Buy America standard wherever feasible.

“We need to work across party lines to reward Made in America hard work and strengthen the economic security of the middle class,” said Baldwin. “I’m proud to join Senator Merkley to introduce this legislation that will give our manufacturing workers and businesses, like our Wisconsin foundries, a fair shot by requiring the use of American-made materials in our nation’s transportation projects.”

“When we make things in America, we grow the middle class in America,” said Merkley. “Ensuring that American taxpayer dollars go to support American businesses and workers wherever possible is just common sense. This legislation will create more jobs, strengthen American manufacturing, and ensure that more of our transportation projects are built using high-quality, made-in-America materials.”

“I commend Senators Merkley and Baldwin for introducing legislation that will create good manufacturing jobs in America by ensuring that our tax dollars utilized for infrastructure investment stay here at home,” said Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing. “American workers and manufacturers stand ready to rebuild America’s infrastructure – this bill will give them a chance to do just that.”

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