Monday, October 29, 2018

Jair Bolsonaro wins Brazilian election for the next presidency

Am I the only person who is reminded of Duterte of the Philippines? WSJ even says "ranks of antiestablishment leaders across the world." I don't know exactly whom the newspaper was referring to, but several people come up in my mind.

Brazilians elect Jair Bolsonaro in shift to the right (Financial Times)
Brazilian former army captain Jair Bolsonaro clinched victory in epochal presidential elections on Sunday, ushering in the first far-right administration in Latin America’s largest country since its military dictatorship ended more than three decades ago.

Mr Bolsonaro defeated Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers’ Party, or PT, with just over 55 per cent of valid votes compared to nearly 45 per cent, sparking celebrations and fireworks by thousands of supporters on the beach outside the president-elect’s house in Rio de Janeiro.

“We cannot continue to flirt with socialism, with communism and with populism and with the extreme left,” Mr Bolsonaro said in a speech broadcast on social media, after which he held a televised prayer session with supporters at his home.

Conservative’s Win Signals Sharp Rightward Turn in Brazil (WSJ)

A firebrand ex-army captain swept to victory in Brazil’s presidential election, joining the growing ranks of antiestablishment leaders across the world and shifting Latin America’s largest nation sharply to the right.

Jair Bolsonaro, a champion of Brazil’s 1964-1985 right-wing dictatorship that he once served, had 55.1% of the vote against Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers’ Party with almost all of the votes counted Sunday night.

A paratrooper-turned-congressman, Mr. Bolsonaro has pledged to usher in a new era of “order and progress”—Brazil’s national motto, emblazoned on its flag—luring rich and poor voters who are fed up with endemic corruption and terrified by spiraling crime.

But after years of making bellicose speeches that have often offended women, gay people and black Brazilians, as well as threatening his adversaries, Mr. Bolsonaro adopted a conciliatory tone after Sunday’s result.

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