Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 Predictions for Digital Music - NME

10 Digital Music Predictions For 2011 - In The NME Office - NME.COM - The world's fastest music news service, music videos, interviews, photos and free stuff to win

1. Streaming will stop looking like future.

[My Comment] Conventional streaming services will see gloomy sky. Conventional streaming mean last.fm, etc.

2. ... Which means piracy will flourish.

[My Comment] Piracy have been rampant and will still be until a compromised solution appears. Compromised solution means a service that offer listening experience for free or at lower than present fee while musicians/composers get at least enough for living.

3. Bands will stop using Myspace.

[My Comment] Myspace is dying indeed.

4. Gig-going will become more social.

[My Comment]
This is a fancy idea. I need stuff like this in Korea.

5. Google Music will arrive ... and won't make much difference.

[My Comment] Google is facing the same reality as conventional streaming services have faced.

6. Coporate tie-ins will abount.

[My Comment] This will be a blast.

7. Music videos will get more interactive.

[My Comment]
Digital TV will be the venue for interactive contents.

8. Fan-funding will go mainstream.

[My Comment] Fan funding is a promising model. Key is how to provide fan-funding at the least cumbersome way.

9. Music apps will suck less.

[My Comment] They should.

10. Downloads will get cheaper.

[My Comment] Let's see how low they go.

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