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Mr. Trump wants to reverse bilateral trade deficits, which he views as “losing.” In reality, trade deficits with other countries reflect a mix of relative growth rates, differential production advantages, supply chains, savings and investment, and currency exchange rates. The U.S. has a trade surplus with Australia, which has a surplus with China, which has a surplus with the U.S.—each reflecting comparative advantages. I have a “deficit” with my local supermarket, but I offset what I owe by earning money elsewhere, not by stocking shelves at night to pay for my groceries.
연해주 지역은 9월만 해도 코로나 신규 확진자 수가 60명대로 떨어져서 조만간 종식되는가 했었는데, 10월 되니까 숫자가 다시 늘어나고 있다. 10월 19일에는 115명이 신규 확진. 3명 사망. 러시아 전체로는 신규확진자가 10.19일에 15,98...