This is my first travel to Japan. Funny. I've been to a number of remote countries, but not to Japan and South East Asian countries.
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NO.1 뉴미디어 마이데일리 (Korean news source)
[News] Effort announces his retirement (Team Liquid news)
Pro-gamer Kim Jung Woo (better known as Effort in gaming world) announced a sudden retirement on 20 September 2010. He is the champion of the 2010 Korean Airline Star League Season 1. He is the only pro-gamer who beat the dominating Flash (Lee Young Ho) at a final of any starcraft individual league for the last one and a half years.
His retirement follows that of [Red]NaDa (Lee Yun Yeol a.k.a. the "genius"). [Red]NaDa announced that he will convert to a StarCraft II player. Many expect that more old-generation pro-gamers will change to StarCraft II.
Is the series of retirement/conversion of StarCraft pro-gamers a precurser of changing geography of the pro-gaming scene of Korea? I think so. StarCraft II is taking up StarCraft's playing ground more rapidly than many thought. Making the matters worse for StarCraft, StarCraft gaming competition held by KeSPA (Korean e-Sports Association) is only viable as long as Blizzard is extending the grace period for using its intellectual property.
Sponsorship covers costs of Mariah Carey's latest album - Springwise
Copyright laws around the world are changing. Faster changing than copyright laws are the copyright business. There are several books out there that predicts the demise of century-old business model of the recording industry.
Music sponsorship is one of the candidate model which will shoulder out the old model.
Music Sponsorship
"Music sponsorship" is a new term that has not been fixed as an industry standard phrase. Under the music sponsorship, somebody sponsors (gives money or something equivalent) a music and listeners listen to the music for free.When sponsoring a music, the sponsor's sponsorship is split in halves and distributed to the composer and the recording studio (which will pay royalty to the performing artists).
Music sponsorship is operating under the copyright law status quo. But it has the potential of changing the music industry geography. Why is it?
Music as pure art is done
Think about this. It is an anthropoligical issue. When did people start to listen to music as pure art? When will people stop listening to music as pure art?
It has not been for long since people listened to music as a solemn art that requires quiet audience. For the majority of the human history, music has been part of something bigger. i.e., festival, party, war, etc. For a brief period of time, music has taken the status of pure art. The short period of time has nearly ended. We are living in a world where music is not treated as pure art any more. Music is treated as part of something else, i.e., cellphones, commercials, movies, Starbucks, etc.
In the world where music is not a pure art, people aren't willing to pay for music per se.
Another court decision granted today is KOMCA v. Starbucks. (Korean courts don't name cases like that, though) :)
KOMCA is the Korea Music Copyright Association, and it represents right holders of musical composition.
Sound recording association is the Korean Association of Phonogram Producers (KAPP)
There used to be the Music Industry Association of Korea (한국음악산업협회), but it was practically succeeded and replaced by the Korea Music Content Industry Association (KMCIA)
1. The Industry Practice
Starbucks has not been paying for the music it has been playing at its stores.
"스타벅스 실내 음악료 내라" > 사회.전국 > 전국 :: 한경닷컴 ::
스타벅스는 음악 CD를 이용해 매장에서 음악을 틀었다. 스타벅스는 그동안 음반을 구입해 사용하면 저작권 법상‘판매용 음반’에 해당돼 국내 저작권자의 허락을 별도로 받지 않아도 된다고 주장했다.
Starbucks played music at its stores using CDs it purchased and didn't pay for the public performance of the music. The argument of Starbucks was that purchased CDs are "CDs for sale" under the Korean Copyright Act and therefore no need for getting permission from the right holder in Korea.
2. Lower court ruled for Starbucks
"스타벅스 실내 음악료 내라" > 사회.전국 > 전국 :: 한경닷컴 ::
1심 재판부도 스타벅스의 주장을 받아 들여 저작권자에게 패소판결을 내렸다.
The district court (court of first instance) agreed with Starbucks.
2. Appeals court disagreed.
The appeals court overturned the first court's decision.
"스타벅스 실내 음악료 내라" > 사회.전국 > 전국 :: 한경닷컴 ::
재판부는 “스타벅스가 매장에서 CD를 재생하는 행위는 저작권(공연권)을 침해하는 행위”라며 “스타벅스는 원고가 신청한 음악저작물을 영업장에서 사용해서는 안된다”고 판단했다.
The court opined, "Starbucks' playing of CDs at its stores [without permission] infringes upon the public performance right of the right holder. ... Starbucks should not use the musical work of rights at its stores [without permission]."
4. Court's interpretation
인터뷰 : 손철우 / 서울고등법원 공보판사
- "이 사건 CD는 판매용 음반에 해당하지 않고, 음악저작물에 대한 공연권을 인정하기도 어렵다는 이유로 저작권 침해를 인정한 사례입니다.Sohn, Chul-Woo, Speaker for the Seoul High Court
The court acknolwedged copyright infringement because the CDs at case are not "CDs for sale" and the public performance rights for musical work of arts cannot be recognized."
The statement by Mr. Sohn is quite strange to me. I think he spoke in reverse of what he wanted to say. I will clarify this point after I read the case.
5. Right to Lawsuit
There is an interesting distinction made by the court
재판부는 그러나 `콘시에르토 드 아랑후에스'(Concierto de aranjuez) 등 4곡에 대한 저작권 금지 청구에 대해서는 "협회가 저작재산권자에게서 이들 음악에 대한 공연을 허락할 권리를 부여받았을 뿐 저작재산권을 신탁받은 것은 아닌 만큼 소를 제기할 권한이 없다"며 각하했다.
The Association is only granted the right to permit public performance and was not entrusted with the copyright on four songs (i.e., Concierto de aranjuez). Therefore, it does not have the standing to bring an infringement suit on the four songs.
Will bring more detail on the case.
A brodcasting organization ahs the right to reproduce its broadcast.
A broadcasting organization has the right to simultaneously rebroadcast its broadcast.
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